Get my Backscore

To achieve long-term prevention, you need a long-term plan.  Not a short-term fix.

Find out why your lower back pain/ sciatica won’t go away.

Active X Backs

The medical and physical therapy industries spend huge amounts of money on relieving lower back pain.  But 60% of first time lower back pain sufferers will have another episode within a year.  And 49.1% of people will have an episode of lower back pain in any given year, with 23% of adults being persistent sufferers.

As a result, lower back pain is the world’s leading cause of disability.  And has been for over 30 years.

With all this effort (and your money) going into relieving lower back pain, hardly any goes into addressing the causes. 

“Prevention” and “Relief” have different definitions.  And they are different processes. 

All that money spent on Relief doesn’t help a bit with long-term Prevention.

We specialise in the online and in-person delivery of programs providing rapid relief AND long-term prevention of lower back pain and sciatica.

To achieve long-term prevention, you need a long-term plan.  Not a short-term fix.

First Step

It helps to know where you’re starting from, before you build your plan.  So, start by getting your Backscore.

Get Your Backscore

The Backscore is a clinically validated tool for assessing the impact of your pain on your life.  You can use it to track your improvement.

Who are we?

We are a widely distributed team of specially trained Health and Fitness Professionals.

Leadership Team

Gavin Routledge

Gavin Routledge is the Clinical Director of AXB.  With a Masters Degree in The Clinical Management of Pain, he ensures the program is consistent with International Clinical Guidelines and that it is optimally effective.  He has authored 2 books on lower back pain, is a Health Coach, and has been a practising osteopath for over 30 years. He also has a long-term interest in health-behaviour change. 

Fiona Brown

Fiona Brown is the Program Director of Exercise, responsible for training Health and Fitness Professionals.  She started her career as a Personal trainer in 1994, and has completed more than 12,000 hours of face to face teaching in the last 15 years.  She has also trained over 300 Pilates Teachers, and is a qualified Yoga Teacher.